Why are there no examples of instrumental music in New Testament worship?
During the time when God did allow instruments of music, like David, He was very meticulous about giving them specific instructions. Specifically to the priest, concerning the type of instruments they were to use, as well as how, and when the instruments were to be introduced into the ceremony. In these instructions the Lord only allowed the priest, who were of the tribe of Levi to play the instruments, at a particular time, and in the particular order that He specified. So, in other words, the music was limited to only a special portion of their worship, and only the priest, of the tribe of Levi could use them. Unlike the free for all, jam sessions we see going on in many of the world's modern day churches of today. However, being of a royal priesthood, all Christians are now authorized to offer the sacrifice of praise through the fruits of our lips, as we worship in praise to the Lord.
The way people use instrumental music in their worship today, looks nothing like the way God instructed the Jews to use them. This is why it is so hard for me to understand how people feel justified having Jam sessions in place of orderly worship, as God requires. Besides, we could never duplicate the way they used their instruments back then, nor know how they followed God's specific instructions of how and when they should be used, even if we wanted to, because God never left any such instructions for the church in the way of example or direct inference. Otherwise I will worship will be in vain because it would be ignorant worship.
There is not one example in the NT that duplicates IM in worship, in any way, or anything that had to do with what the Jews practiced when they entered the Temple to worship. Let it be noted; If we even tried to go back under the law to get any of it, we in turn automatically dishonor Christ's death on the OT cross, which delivered us from the curse of the OT law and all it's ordinances. When Paul wrote to the church at Galatia, he made it very clear that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, and if one does choose to goes back to try and justify using any part of the OT law, that person would be obligated to keep the whole law. Therefore, as a people, Christians are not allowed to go back into the OT law and introduce any part of it in our worship to God today; else Jesus the Christ our savior has died in vain.