It is truly, truly, sad how so many brethren have become apostate, due to lack of enthusiasm about the truth of Christ's ONE church. Many have sought to, (so call) expand their thinking beyond, what they have come to believe and even teach, what they consider (so called) the traditions of the church of Christ. Not withstanding the unprecedented steadfast history of the church of old, that we have as our ONLY example, as to what is "that good and perfect will of God".
We didn't become the church of Christ by starting a congregation, are choosing to "join" a congregation called the church of Christ. We became the church of Christ by standing on the promises of God and the doctrine of the church, that was handed down by the apostles. Men filled beyond measure with the Holy Ghost of promise. We became the church of Christ because we obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine, which can only be followed and understood by what we read in the pages of inspiration. We didn't make up this doctrine. We are only required to follow it, as did the church given in the scriptures. The truths that are written as our only guide to gaining the knowledge of how to reproduce the same fruit, given by example by the ONLY church we can read about in the New testament scriptures, are all we have been given and all we need in order to know, without question, that our worship of the Father, is in spirit and in truth, which also is according to the Word of God, through Christ Jesus.
Many have gone about to produce fruit from some other vine, other than the true vine, which is Christ, and the Father who is the husbandman over His vineyard. It is truly sad to see. We must all stir up our pure minds by way of remembrance, and return to our first love, and that is, our ONE faith in the ONE church of the ONE bible, and the gospel message that called us out I'd this world. We must realize, it is not through our own strength and abilities, that the one church will shine through to this dark world in blindness, produced by the god of this world. It is not through our own strength and power, that we able to withstand Satan 's assaults on each member of the Lord's body. It is only through His (Christ's) strength, who is the Word that strengthens us,. It is only through His grace and His mercy, that we are able to do all things through the power and the authority in the name of Jesus the Christ, our Lord and savior!
Cor. 12:27-28 'Now' ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set some in the 'church'.....ISN'T THE BODY THE CHURCH AND THE CHURCH THE BODY? If that is the case , the 'body of Christ,' is the same as the 'church of Christ.' I see it in these two verses do you? Paul called the body of Christ , the church, therefore it is the church of Christ.
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