The hardest thing for man to do is to totally submit to the Word/will of God.
As a life lesson, I have had to learn that studying and/or meditating upon God's word would be a daily part of every devoted Christians life, if they ever expect to spiritually survive in this physically demanding, and materialistic society we are now somehow required to navigate, in order to make Heaven our home.
God's word is the only manna given from above that can satisfy the curious hunger, and or quench the spiritual thirst of our new spirit man, as we are sanctified by the word, through the Spirit. (Jn. 17:17) Otherwise, we become sitting ducks for every wind of doctrine, and even hypocrisy of that which you already know.
Be sure, the enemy is on top of his game, and is in relentless pursuit of every true child of God day and night. His main goal and objective. is to preoccupy as much of our time as possible, in order to give us the delusion that we are too busy to set aside a few minutes of our 24hr, God given day, to feed our very soul by consuming a daily portion from the Fathers table/word. Hence, the scripture that concludes, " If we sow to the flesh we shall reap of the flesh corruption, but if we sow to the spirit we shall reap of the spirit eternal life. (Gal. 6:8)
This is something we as Christians know, if not addressed, can ultimately lead to a reprobate mind. (Rm. 1:27-29) Which can even result in God sending a strong delusion, that we will even believe that petty lie of the enemy, and further excuse ourselves for not being faithful stewards of Gods word. Further condemning ourselves, to a place at the end of life, that we were not expecting, nor intended for, irregardless of the blindness that lead to our ignorance.
For this to ever work, we must do all things God's way, by first, Submitting ourself to God, (How? By studying to show yourself approved unto God, as a faithful workman, and thru rightly dividing His words of truth. (2 Tim 2:15) Only then can we resist the Devil and he will have no choice but to flee! (James 4:7) Amen!