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Why Repentance Must Precede Baptism?

March 12, 2019
Kenneth Drew

More importantly: Why is baptism so depending upon one's decision to repent from there sins first? 

Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus said to his apostles, "....Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: 47.) and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

Why Repentance Is So Important

Repentance has always been a prerequisite by God, in order for us, as man, to receive God's forgiveness, and there by being in his good graces once again (Acts 17:30 .... :God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent:....). This same repentance was the entire theme that drove John the Baptist's ministry of the baptism of repentance, as he paved the way for Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah. (Mt. 3:11) John baptized an untold number of disciples with the baptism of repentance. His entire mission was simply to, prepare the way, by teaching every disciple he baptized to repent of their sins.

This baptism was to show their dedication to the Christ, who would come after him, and was also to show their willingness to sorrowfully repent before God. They were to then follow after Jesus the Christ, once God had openly given Him his approval and conformation before the world, by sending the Holy Spirit upon Him, like a dove, which rested upon Jesus after His baptism by John. (Mt. 3:16-17 & Jon. 1:15-40). So from this, we learn that God chose John as the forerunner of Christ in order that men would hear God's call for all men everywhere to understand the importance of repentance before being accepted by Him.

One would beg the question, "Why is repentance so important to God?", and "Why has God placed so much importance on repentance before baptism?" New Paragraph

Baptism Example

Without Repentance There Is No Salvation

Let us take a closer look at the word repentance, as it is defined in its original Greek tongue, in order to understand more clearly what God is emphasizing here. [The word repentance from the Greek, is (metanoe'o), used as a verb: it means, to change one's mind, change the inner man, (particularly with reference to acceptance of God's will): as a noun: it implies deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for past sin, wrong doings, or the like. to feel sorry, self reproachful, regret or to be conscience-stricken about past actions.]

I would venture to say that, If one has not, first been taught to totally and completely repent of their sins, and he has to totally and completely given up his or her rights to self, (and all that comes with self consciousness, self indulgence, and being self-willed etc), that person's baptism is in vain!

It does one no good, whatsoever, if he is baptized and has not truly repented of his sins. The Bible says, "Godly sorrow worketh repentance" (II Cor. 7:10), the same as baptism being "an answer of a good conscience towards God" (I Pt. 3:21). Therefore, that same godly sorrow and good conscience towards God work hand in hand, as we are conscience stricken, internally in the inner man, and repent from our old sinful ways, as we coherently and willingly, choose to clear our conscience before God and give up self, by having a change of heart and mind, and turning to God through Jesus Christ our Savior, for the salvation of our lost souls. Being then baptized for the remission, or forgiveness, of our passed sin filled lives.

For it is through being baptized into Christ where God himself adds us to, "the Church of God which he purchased with his own blood" to become a new and changed creation. (ACTS 2:47, 20:28) This is what places us in a right relationship with God.

God is only able to grant us this forgiveness, and washing away of our sins, only if we are sorrowful and self reproachful, and turn away from all sins that separated us from Him, in order for God to forgive us of our sins in the first place. 

If this sorrow and contrition does not exist before we are baptized, then, what else would have been our motivation to have our sins forgiven, or remitted by God, to begin with? Or what would be God's motivation to forgive us, if we haven't sorrowfully, and repentantly turned from our past wrongdoings. If we are not properly motivated by our need to repent, be sorry, and turn away from our past sinful lives, how can we then be properly motivated to live out our lives as a new creature, or as a changed, and quickened spirit, in Christ? 

Too many people have gone through the motions of baptism, and never made the souls stirring, change of repentance before being baptized. They were never translated, by God, into the marvelous kingdom of his dear son, because there was no true desire to change. It is possible that when they went down into the water, there was no godly sorrow on the part of the non repentant, dry devil, who simply came up out of the water, a wet devil. Never receiving a good conscious toward God, and never having received Gods forgiveness nor even having their sins washed away, by the atoning blood of the Lamb. So I think it's safe to say, that without repentance there is no remission of sins, no matter how many times a person gets baptized. Before a person is baptized it is our responsibility as the church to teach them repentance, first and for most! 

How many people do you know who were never taught what true repentance is before they were baptized in ignorance?

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